For an absolutely incredible explanation of what happens when we die, I refer you to Dr. Charles Stanley video archive Sunday, March 24,2013 "Right Thinking About Death and Resurrection."
Dr. Stanley is a wonderful teacher on many subjects. This is the best explanation of what the Bible says about what happens when we die.
This is a must see video because your Eternal Destiny, and those of your loved ones, is at stake.
1. You can absolutely know you will spend Eternity in Heaven.
2. You can have an abundant life here and now.
3. Lose your fear of death permanently.
Don't let yourself or a loved one die without taking care of this most important of matters.
The Dumbest Thing You Can Do
By Kenneth C. Lambert
This is an excellent, concise explanation of absolutely the most critical thing your family must do.
Not thinking about death and dying is why so many families are vulnerable to sales tactics of the funeral industry. It is also the reason so many Americans will spend Eternity in Hell.
Not making a decision is a decision.
Putting the decision off until after you die, has horrible, Eternal consequences. Please do not put off this important decision.
Mother's Scars and Beautiful Scarves. As retold by Ken Lambert.
This short story is a beautiful illustration of what Jesus actually did for us.
Want to talk about it? Give us a call at 281-357-0195 any time.